Fruit Tree

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Fruit Tree icon.png Fruit Tree
Skill(s) required:
Size: Varies (1x1)
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: Can't be Repaired
Required by:
Required by:

Fruit Trees

Fruit Trees are Tree icon.png Trees which Any Fruit icon.png Any Fruit can be harvest from. With the Fruit Orchards Skill learned, Any Fruit can be planted in a Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot to produce the corresponding Nut Tree. Once planted, Fruit Trees cycle through three distinct phases: A Dormant Stage, a Blossoming Stage, and a Ripe Stage. A Fruit Tree spends each Coldsnap icon.png Coldsnap and begins each Everbloom icon.png Everbloom in the Dormant Stage. At a point determined by chance, during an Everbloom, a Fruit Tree will transition into the Blossoming stage, denoted by flowers blossoming on the Tree. If a Fruit Tree is Pollinated during this stage it will switch to the Ripe Stage. Right-clicking a Fruit Tree will give you a variety of options in which to gather resources.

Pick Fruit

Right-clicking on a Fruit Tree and selecting "Pick Fruit" will give you the corresponding Fruit.

The aromatic Apple.

Apple Tree

The cheery Cherry.

Cherry Tree

The multifarious Mulberry.

Mulberry Tree

The peaceful Peach.

Peach Tree

Gives Gives Gives Gives
Rares Rares Rares Rares
The peculiar Pear.

Pear Tree

The pervasive Persimmon.

Persimmon Tree

The plucky Plum.

Plum Tree

The snooty Snozberry.

Snozberry Tree

Gives Gives Gives Gives
Rares Rares Rares Rares
WARNING: Fruit Trees Chopped down in the Darkness icon.png Darkness have a chance to spawn a Lumberlord icon.png Lumberlord in its place.
CAUTION: Fruit Trees planted on the Greenwood icon.png Greenwood Biome have a chance to become a Hangman Tree icon.png Hangman Tree when the Seasons change.