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CowsCows are Domesticated Animals which require the Skills Cattle Ranching and Dairymaid to properly utilize. Cow Types:
Right-clicking on both Heifers and Bulls gives the option to Milk, however only Heifers will actually produce Milk. CAUTION: Milking a Bull will dramatically increase their Temperament. Feeding Cows Clovers will decrease their Temperament. Combat Behavior
Cows are non-aggressive so unless provoked Cows will not attack. Headbutt is a Cow's main attack. A Cow CANNOT be Stunned. Butchering Cattle---Under Construction--- General CareDomesticated Animals must be Fed, kept warm and happy to be productive. Right-clicking on any unnamed Domesticated Animal and selecting "Give Name" allows you to give it a unique name. When finally Butchered, the amount of Meat your receive from your Domesticated Animals is determined by its Size Stat. Wrangling AnimalsWrangling a Domesticated Animal allows you to lead them around, bring them into Buildings, and Fast Travel with them. To wrangle a Domesticated Animal select a Rope and right-click it onto the baby or adult Domesticated Animal you wish to wrangle. This will cause you to walk over to them. Once you reach that animal you can move your Rope directly into either of your hand slots. You can test if it worked by walking away and checking that they follow. To release the animal, move your Rope out of your hand slot and into your Inventory. Using 2x Ropes, one in each hand, will allow you to wrangle two different animals at the same time. The Wrangling Skill is NOT required to wrangle Domesticated Animals. Shoo!ing AnimalsDomesticated Animals which are NOT being lead can be right-clicked to Shoo! them. This will cause them to walk a little bit away from you. This can be useful when needing to clear a path through your animals. Baby AnimalsBaby Domesticated Animals are received as part of the Mating of a male and a female of its kind or can be found rarely, lost in the Autumnal forests of the New World as part of an Exploration Event. A Baby Domesticated Animal will grow into either an adult male or female of its kind in about 4 days. Right-clicking on a Baby Domesticated Animal gives the option to Play with them, which drains your Phlegm and lower their Temperament by 20 points. Baby Domesticated Animals will have their Coat Color and Stats determined by a combination of its parents Coat Color and Stats as well as chance. StatsRight-clicking on an adult Domesticated Animal and selecting "Check Pedigree" allows you to check that Domesticated Animal's unique Stats. A Domesticated Animal's Stats are determined by a combination of its parents Stats and chance. The higher the stat, the better the animal.
TemperamentAdditionally Checking the Pedigree of a Domesticated Animal also you to see its Temperament - how angry it is. Both actions which raise and lower Temperament will be affected by that animal's Tranquility-- the higher their Tranquility, the slower they will get angry and the faster they will be calmed. Domesticated Animals with a high Temperament may choose not to eat or mate, and are more likely to get sick. Raises Temperament:
Lowers Temperament:
Feeding Domesticated AnimalsDomesticated Animals must eat once per day from a Food Trough. All Domesticated Animals eat at least 2 Food per day, but will eat more food the lower their Metabolism Stat is. A Food Trough must be placed within range of a Domesticated Animal in order for it to find it. Each time a Domesticated Animal eats it will poop. MatingDomesticated Animals ONLY mate when outside. Additionally it is best practice to keep animals you wish to mate at 0 Temperament. Female Domesticated Animals will seek out males of its kind up to 11 tiles away. If they find a suitable male they will go to great lengths to mate with them, even climbing over Fences, as love knows no bounds. Males can mate with any number of females, where as once a female has given birth she will not mate again for at least 6 days. Mating improves the Temperament of both animals--males slightly more. Baby Domesticated Animals will have their Coat Color and Stats determined by a combination of their parent's coat colors, stats, and chance. If either the male or female are Sick the mating will fail. There is a random chance that the female will die in child birth for each child. As Domesticated Animals can have multiple births in a liter the bigger the liter the higher the chance of the female dying. Additionally there is a very small chance the female giving birth to a Stillborn. Seeing a Stillborn will increase your Insanity and slowly raise the Temperament of nearby Domesticated Animals. Right-clicking on a male Domesticated Animal with a pair of Any Scissorss equipped and selecting "Castrate" will give you Testicles and permanently prevent them from mating in the future. DeathThere are a number of reasons a Domesticated Animals might die: males and females both will die naturally of old age, females may die during Child Birth, Babies may be Stillborn, Domesticated Animals may die of Disease, or a Domesticated Animal may just be killed for Butchering. How long a Domesticated Animal takes to die of old age is determined by the size of its Longevity Stat - the higher the Stat the longer that Animal will live, up to a max of about 105 days. If a Domesticated Animal dies of old age it will NOT raise the Temperament of other Animals around it, however if a Domesticated Animal witnesses the death of another Domesticated Animal for any other reason it will become upset and its Temperament will be raised. For this reason it is a good idea to Lead your Domesticated Animal away from the others before killing. Domestic Animals can be killed either by combat or Slaughtering. How to Slaughter AnimalsBranding a Domesticated Animal will add your name to that animal's pedigree and allows you to Slaughter your animal.
Death and Insanity
Animal SicknessDomesticated Animals can become Diseased from hunger or randomly by chance. This chance can lowered by raising your animal's Immunity Stat. A Diseased Animal will sit down and shake its head back and forth, and if not treated in a timely fashion, will die. Making sure your animal is well-fed and brought will dramatically lower the chance of your Animal becoming sick. Domesticated Animals which eventually succumb to disease will NOT yield any Resources when Butchered. Sick animals cannot mate and cannot be Milked. Animal Disease TreatmentTo cure a Diseased Domesticated Animal craft a the proper Suppository, then Lubricate it by selecting a Star Jelly and right-clicking it onto the Suppository and selecting "Lubricate". You may now select the Lubricated Suppository and right-click it onto the Diseased animal. An Un-Lubricated Suppository can also be used to treat Animal Sickness but will increase that Animal's Temperament by a large amount.