Basket Press

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Basket Press icon.png Basket Press
Skill(s) required:
Size: 2x1
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: unknown
Required by:
Required by:


A Basket Press icon.png Basket Press is a Structure used to make and Grape Juices. A Basket Press has 36 slots for Grapes.

Grape Juice

Placing Grapes into a Basket Press icon.png Basket Press and selecting "Press" will fill the Basket Press with the appropriate Grape Juice.

Grape Grape Juice Amount
Curious Grapes icon.png Curious Grapes * 1 L
Red Grapes icon.png Red Grapes Red Grape Juice icon.png Red Grape Juice 0.01 L
White Grapes icon.png White Grapes White Grape Juice icon.png White Grape Juice 0.01 L

Specialty Use Storage Containers

Specialty Use Storage Containers are structures that can both store and produce Dry Goods or Liquids. To fill or empty a Specialty Use Storage Containers select a Storage Vessel and right-click it on your Storage Container. Dry Good and Liquids of the same type can be combined so long as there is room in the Storage Container, but generally, Dry Goods and Liquids of differing types generally cannot.

Container Storage Capacity Produces
Cask icon.png Cask 10 L Wine
Basket Press icon.png Basket Press 12 L
Press icon.png Press 25 L Vegetable Oil icon.png Vegetable Oils
Windmill icon.png Windmill 1,000 KG