Paper Screen

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Paper Screen icon.png Paper Screen
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 2.40
Required by: Objects

How to Make Paper

  1. Using the Rags recipe, turn any item of Clothing into 2x Rags icon.png Rags.
  2. Select one of the Rags in your inventory and right-click it onto the other Rag and select "Roll" to create a Ball of Rags icon.png Ball of Rags.
  3. Select a Vessel of Potable Water icon.png Potable Water and right-click into onto your Ball of Rags to get a Soggy Rag Ball icon.png Soggy Rag Ball. Or select your Ball of Rags and right-click it onto the The Shallows icon.png The Shallows.
  4. Select the Soggy Rag Ball and right-click it onto a Trip Hammer icon.png Trip Hammer to make Rag Pulp icon.png Rag Pulp.
  5. Select your Rag Pulp icon.png Rag Pulp and right-click it onto an empty to a Paper Screen icon.png Paper Screen to get a Wet Paper Screen icon.png Wet Paper Screen.
  6. In 4 hours your Wet Paper Screen will become a Dry Paper Screen icon.png Dry Paper Screen.
  7. Right-click on your Dry Paper Screen and select "Peel Paper" to receive Paper icon.png Paper.

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Processing & Materials (P) ⇒Scribing Supplies () ⇒Paper Screen (P)