A March Hare is typically an aggressive Creature which disguises itself as a normal white Rabbits until being attacked, then it transforms. As March Hares are significantly stronger than Rabbits be careful of provoking pure white Rabbits, especially in the Darkness. A March Hare which has transformed to attack another pilgrim or Creature will not be aggressive towards you.
Combat Behavior
Once transformed, a March Hare will immediately attack. Bite is a March Hare's only attack, however, if this attack lands it will cause you to Bleed. It is possible to come across an already transformed March Hare in the wild, transformed by a Bear, Timber Rattler, or other pilgrim, these March Hares will NOT be aggressive towards you.
With the Monster Hunting Skill, Skinning a March Hare will yield 1x Raw March Hare Hide
NOTE: It is important to Skin the carcass first, otherwise the Butchering will ruin the Hide.
With all relevant Butchering Skills learned, Butchering a March Hare will always yield:
There is a chance to get various rare items from Butchering. This chance is much higher with the Viscera & Bits Skill learned.