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Cotton Planting icon.png Cotton Planting
"Cotton Planting allows you to plant, harvest and process cotton."
Skill(s) required:
Proficiencies required:
1250 Faith & Wisdom icon.png Faith & Wisdom
{{{Flora & Fauna}}}"{{{Flora & Fauna}}}" is not a number. Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
{{{Herbs & Sprouts}}}"{{{Herbs & Sprouts}}}" is not a number. Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts
{{{Hunting & Hideworking}}}"{{{Hunting & Hideworking}}}" is not a number. Hunting & Hideworking icon.png Hunting & Hideworking
2500 Stocks & Cultivars icon.png Stocks & Cultivars
1500 Thread & Needle icon.png Thread & Needle
Skills Unlocked:
Crafts Unlocked:
Builds Unlocked:
Others Unlocked:


First Stage (sprouts)
Second Stage
Third Stage
Fourth Stage (Flowering)
Fifth Stage (Ready for Harvest)

Whilst legends have cirulated for a long time in Europ conceming "the Vegetable Lamb of Tartary", it is only with the discovery of the New World variants of this remarkable plant that its uses and the methods for its cultivation have been brought to more extensive application in the fields of agriculture.
Cotton Planting allows you to plant, harvest and process cotton.

Between 0 and 75 total Influence you will Harvest tier 1 crops. Between 75 and 100 you will receive a mix of tier 1 and tier 2 crop. For 100-150 total Influence you will Harvest just tier 2 crops. At 150-195 total Influence you will Harvest a mix of tier 2 and tier 3 crops with the tier 2 crop you Harvest being determined by the LOWER of that crops Influencing Bars.==Destroying a Tilled Field==

A Till Field icon.png Tilled Field cannot be Destroy icon.png Destroyed by normal means and instead requires the use of Coarse Salt icon.png Coarse Salt. To Destroy a Tilled Field select a Coarse Salt and right-click it on the Field. You will need enough to first lower the Tilled Field's Purity to 0, after that, each subsequent Coarse Salt added will deal damage. Each Coarse Salt added reduces the Purity by 5% or deals 50% damage.==Agriculture Skills==

Skill Benefit
Agriculture icon.png Agriculture Make a Till Field icon.png Tilled Field
Cabbage Growing icon.png Cabbage Growing Grow Cabbage icon.png Cabbage
Cotton Planting icon.png Cotton Planting Grow Raw Cotton icon.png Raw Cotton
Pumpkin Planting icon.png Pumpkin Planting Grow Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkins
Potato Growing icon.png Potato Growing Grow Any Potato icon.png Any Potato
Maize Planting icon.png Maize Planting Grow Corn icon.png Corn
Three-field System icon.png Three-field System Makes Influence more effective.
Tobacco Planting icon.png Tobacco Planting Grow Tobacco icon.png Tobacco
Plantation Management icon.png Plantation Management New ways to reduce Upkeep.

Crop Growth and Rotation


A field has four influence bars that affect the type of products produced. When the field is harvested, one bar increases by 5 points times the influence percentage. (The increase is less if you have not yet learned the Three-field System skill.) The other three bars are reduced by 5 points.

For example, the field

Influence bars.png

has had its influence bars raised by growing cabbage, grains, and cotton. Higher tier products can be obtained on this field: either tier 2 Cabbage or Cereal or tier 3 Cotton, Tobacco, Pumpkin, or Corn. The relevant influence bars for each type of crop are as follows.

Crop Tiered products from Gives to
Cabbage 3 4 1
Ear of Cereal 4 1 2
Cotton 1 2 3
Pumpkin 2 3 4
Corn 1 3 2
Potato 3 4 1
Tobacco 1 2 3

One way of taking advantage of the tiered system is to designate a primary crop for each field and rotate crops that raise the bars it needs to get better products for that crop. For example, for better types of cotton, you can first grow cabbage and cereal to raise the first and second bars.

Crop Tiers

Fields will produce higher tier crops as the influence bars get high enough. The following is a table of the various tiers of crops.

Seed Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Seeds of Cotton Yellow-Stained Cotton Indian Cotton
Egyptian Cotton
Sea Island Cotton
Seeds of Cereal Ear of Oats Ear of Rye
Ear of Barley
Ear of Wheat
Seeds of Cabbage Colewort Head of Green Cabbage
Head of White Cabbage
Head of Red Cabbage
Seeds of Pumpkin varies varies varies
Seeds of Any Corn Yellow Corn White Corn
Blue Corn
Golden Corn
Seeds of Potato Brown Potato Yellow Potato
Blue Potato
Red Potato
Seeds of Tobacco Broad-Leaf Tobacco Bright-Leaf Tobacco
Shade-Leaf Tobacco
Gold-Leaf Tobacco

The type of product produced by a field is determined by the sum of the two relevant bars:

  • if the sum is between 0 and 50 the field produces all tier 1 products.
  • if the sum is between 50 and 100 the field produces both tier 1 and tier 2 products.
  • if the sum is between 100 and 150 the field produces tier 2 products.
  • if the sum is between 150 and 200, the field produces both tier 2 and tier 3 products.

If the sum is below 150, then the tier 2 product is in the same order on the two tables. For example, a field with the first bar at 100 and the second at 0 could produce Indian Cotton, while a field with the first bar at 0 and the second at 100 could produce Egyptian Cotton. If the sum is above 150, then the lower of the two influence bars determines the type of tier 2 product. For example, a field with the first bar at 95 and the second bar at 80 could produce a mixture of Sea Island Cotton and Egyptian Cotton.

Growth Time

The base growth time are as follows:

Plant Type Base
Cabbage 3 Days
Corn 3 Days
Cotton 4 Days
Ear of Cereals 3 Days
Potato 4 ½ Days
Pumpkin 8 Days
Tobacco ? Days


This table shows a way to get Tier 3 crops (Wanted Result) while getting particular Tier 2 products (2nd Rotation). In this case you want the second crop to actually use influence bar raised by first crop, in order to get higher tier results while raising influence for the final product. Items in brackets in 3rd column are possible 2nd tier products you may receive.

Wanted Result 1st Rotation 2nd Rotation
Cabbage icon.png Cabbage Cotton Pumpkin (Sugar Treat, Connecticut Field, Harvest Moon)
Clean Cotton icon.png Cotton Cabbage Ear of Cereals (Ear of Barley)
Cabbage Corn (White Corn)
Ear of Cereal icon.png Ear of Cereal Pumpkin Cabbage (Head of White Cabbage)
Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkin Ear of Cereals Cotton (Egyptian Cotton)
Corn Cotton (Egyptian Cotton)
Cotton Corn (Blue Corn)
Corn icon.png Corn Cabbage Cotton (Indian Cotton)
Cotton Cabbage (Head of Green Cabbage)
NOTE: In the above table Potato can be used instead of cabbage, and Tobacco can be used instead of cotton.

Graphical Crop Table

Source: http://forum.salemthegame.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13024

Crop Table by Lusewing

The highlight around each crop is to indercate which bile it is alined to, red-blood, blue-phlem, yellow-Ybile, black-Bbile. Cotten has a purple highlight since it looks odd without one.

How to use

Lets say you wanted to grow teir 3 cabbage. Find it on the table and look to see which two teir 1 crops are touching its position. For cabbage that is Cotton and pumpkin. Thus you need the third (cotton) and fourth (pumpkin) bars to be filled to get teir 3 cabbage. If the cotton bar is higher then you will get green cabbage as well as the red. Ig the pumpkin bar is higher then you will get white cabbage as well as red.

Another Crop Table, updated by Murphy [http://forum.salemthegame.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1603&p=224424#p224424]

Crop Table updated by Murphy

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Between 0 and 75 total Influence you will Harvest tier 1 crops. Between 75 and 100 you will receive a mix of tier 1 and tier 2 crop. For 100-150 total Influence you will Harvest just tier 2 crops. At 150-195 total Influence you will Harvest a mix of tier 2 and tier 3 crops with the tier 2 crop you Harvest being determined by the LOWER of that crops Influencing Bars.==Destroying a Tilled Field==

A Till Field icon.png Tilled Field cannot be Destroy icon.png Destroyed by normal means and instead requires the use of Coarse Salt icon.png Coarse Salt. To Destroy a Tilled Field select a Coarse Salt and right-click it on the Field. You will need enough to first lower the Tilled Field's Purity to 0, after that, each subsequent Coarse Salt added will deal damage. Each Coarse Salt added reduces the Purity by 5% or deals 50% damage.==Agriculture Skills==

Skill Benefit
Agriculture icon.png Agriculture Make a Till Field icon.png Tilled Field
Cabbage Growing icon.png Cabbage Growing Grow Cabbage icon.png Cabbage
Cotton Planting icon.png Cotton Planting Grow Raw Cotton icon.png Raw Cotton
Pumpkin Planting icon.png Pumpkin Planting Grow Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkins
Potato Growing icon.png Potato Growing Grow Any Potato icon.png Any Potato
Maize Planting icon.png Maize Planting Grow Corn icon.png Corn
Three-field System icon.png Three-field System Makes Influence more effective.
Tobacco Planting icon.png Tobacco Planting Grow Tobacco icon.png Tobacco
Plantation Management icon.png Plantation Management New ways to reduce Upkeep.