Timber Pile

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Revision as of 20:04, 18 February 2020 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Timber Pile icon.png Timber Pile
Skill(s) required:
Size: 2 x 2
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: Board
Required by:
Required by:


When a Timber Pile is built, it takes 133 hours (about 5.5 days) to dry. When dried right-clicking a Timber Pile and selecting Collect Boards will yield Dry Board icon.png Dry Boards, Moldy Board icon.png Moldy Boards, and rarely Ghost in the Grain icon.png Ghost in the Grain.

In order to decrease the amount of Moldy Boards you receive to the greatest extent, follow the illustration and requirement:

  • No structures should be present within 5 tiles of the Timber Pile.
  • Natural structures such as Trees, Stumps and Bushes also cause mold to the Timber Pile.
  • Players, Creatures and Forageables have no effect on Timber Pile.
  • Some structures such as Lean-to, Stake Claim, Tilled Fields, Paving and Logs or others that don't have hitboxes have no effect on Timber Pile.
  • Even on perfectly cleared terrain, piles have a chance of becoming moldy and has a chance to spread to any nearby timber piles, So ensure that ever other timber piles are not within close proximity to one another.

Tips: You can hold Ctrl to detach it from grid movement, and hold Shift + mouse wheel to rotate it, so you can build it in the exact place you want to.

make sure there's no structures are present within 5 tiles

How to Make Dry Boards

  1. Using Any Axe icon.png Any Axe Chop down a Tree icon.png Tree to get a Log icon.png Log.
  2. Lift icon.png Lift the Log icon.png Log and right-click on the Sawbuck icon.png Sawbuck to load in the Log.
  3. Using Any Saw icon.png Any Saw make 40 Fresh Board icon.png Fresh Boards. When Chopping Fresh Boards you may receive a Coffin Plank icon.png Coffin Plank by chance instead.
  4. Using 40 Fresh Board icon.png Fresh Boards and 10 Stone icon.png Any Stone Build a Timber Pile icon.png Timber Pile on flat ground at least 5 meters away from any other Structure or Tree.
  5. In 133 hours, or about 5 1/2 days, your Fresh Board icon.png Fresh Boards will become Dry Board icon.png Dry Boards, or Moldy Board icon.png Moldy Boards if you placed your Timber Pile icon.png Timber Pile too close to another object. When Collecting Boards you may receive a Ghost in the Grain icon.png Ghost in the Grain by chance instead.

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Timber Pile (M)