Queen Anne's Lace

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Queen Anne's Lace icon.png Queen Anne's Lace
Where found:
Weight: 0.10
Required by: Objects
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Heal: 5 5 5 5
Heal Uses: 1
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Gluttony Min: 0 1 0 0
Gluttony Max: 0 8 0 0
Full and Fed Up for: 0:06
Food Groups: Vegetables and Greens icon.pngVegetables and Greens
Proficiencie(s) gained:
400 Arts & Crafts icon.png Arts & Crafts
200 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
100 Sparks & Embers icon.png Sparks & Embers
450 Stocks & Cultivars icon.png Stocks & Cultivars
130 Sugar & Spice icon.png Sugar & Spice
550 Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy
Inspiration Required: 1830
Uses: 1
Inspiration Efficiency:
0.2186 Arts & Crafts icon.png Arts & Crafts
0.1093 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
0.0546 Sparks & Embers icon.png Sparks & Embers
0.2459 Stocks & Cultivars icon.png Stocks & Cultivars
0.071 Sugar & Spice icon.png Sugar & Spice
0.3005 Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy

Flavor Text

The lace of queens vaulted above a golden root!


Queen Anne's Lace icon.png Queen Anne's Lace can be found uncommonly in the wild. When hovering over its icon on the map it will show up as 'Wild Carrot.' Picking Any Flower icon.png Any Flowers from the wild lowers Insanity. You may receive a Drone Bee icon.png Drone Bee or Queen Bee icon.png Queen Bee when Picking Any Flower from the wild. With the Gardening skill learned, a Queen Anne's Lace can be planted} in a Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot and will become either a Queen Anne's Lace icon.png Queen Anne's Lace, or a Carrot icon.png Carrot by chance. Planting in Gardening Pots lowers Insanity. Queen Anne's Lace be stored in either a Flower Sack icon.png Flower Sack or a Veggie Sack icon.png Veggie Sack.