Eye Ball

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Eye Ball icon.png Eye Ball
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: unknown
Required by: Objects
Proficiencie(s) gained:
2050 Cloak & Dagger icon.png Cloak & Dagger
2960 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
1000 Perennial Philosophy icon.png Perennial Philosophy
Inspiration Required: 6010
Uses: 1
Inspiration Efficiency:
0.3411 Cloak & Dagger icon.png Cloak & Dagger
0.4925 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
0.1664 Perennial Philosophy icon.png Perennial Philosophy

Flavor Text

Tiny orb of beast or man, staring unblinking into the apathetic void.


A Eye Ball icon.png Eye Ball is obtained by chance when Butchering a Crow icon.png Crow. The chance of receiving rare items increases once you've learned the Viscera & Bits Skill.