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Fire icon.png Fire
Skill(s) required:
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Weight: unknown
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Fire is required to cook Food. The current fire sources in Salem are:

Before a Fire can be used, it must be Fueled and lit. A Tinder Drill icon.png Tinder Drill can be used to start light in any light-able Structure. To use a Tinder Drill, select if from your inventory and right-click it on the Structure you want to light. Tinder Drills are consumed when they start a Fire, and also have about a 50% chance to break before a Fire is successfully lit. Using a Tinder Drill quickly drains Phlegm, and, if it breaks, it damages Blood.

Tinder Drills are an unreliable way to start Fires. Most pilgrims use Tinder Drills to light a Fireplace or Stove and keep that fire going by continually adding fuel and using that to light a Torch when additional Fires are required.

Alternatively Flint & Steel icon.png Flint & Steel can be used to light a Fire. It has a 100% to light a Fire and never breaks, but only has 10 uses. An Eternal Flame icon.png Eternal Flame is both a source of Fire and can be used to lit other sources.

A Precious Soot-Flake icon.png Precious Soot-Flake is be obtained by chance when lighting a Fire with a Tinder Drill icon.png Tinder Drill or Flint & Steel icon.png Flint & Steel. Flint & Steel has a greater chance of producing a Precious Soot-Flake than a Tinder Drill.

A Fire icon.png Fire must be cooked over a source of Fire such as a lit Fireplace icon.png Fireplace or Pile of Wood icon.png Pile of Wood. Cooking things over a fire lowers your Insanity a little and has a chance to give you a Gelatinous Lard icon.png Gelatinous Lard.