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Revision as of 20:32, 7 September 2019 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Stove icon.png Stove
Skill(s) required:
Size: unknown
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: yes
Liftable?: no
Repaired with: unknown
Required by:
Required by:


A Stove icon.png Stove must be placed inside a house. A Farmer's House icon.png Farmer's House, Pilgrim's Hovel icon.png Pilgrim's Hovel, and Townhouse icon.png Townhouse all have a space for a Stove, while the Brick Townhouse icon.png Brick Townhouse has two. A Stove is notoriously hard to place - it has to be placed in the dead center of the grey tiles. When trying to place the Stove, use ctrl to detach the Stove from the grid, and shift+mousewheel to rotate it, then place it all the way at the back of the grey tiles.

A Stove must be fueled and lit in order to cook. A full Stove will burn for about 24 hours, and can be used to light Torch icon.png Torches from, making it an excellent way to avoid the need for Tinder Drills or Flint & Steel. A Stove takes 16x Branch icon.png Branches to fill to 100%, although a variety of other fuels will work as well.

Stuffed Turkey

A Dead Turkey icon.png Dead Turkey, or Dead Wild Turkey icon.png Dead Wild Turkey if it was wild-caught, is received when wringing the neck of a Turkey Gobbler icon.png Turkey Gobbler, Fertile Turkey Hen icon.png Fertile Turkey Hen, Turkey Hen icon.png Turkey Hen.

CAUTION! Wringing the Neck of any Poultry adds a small bit of Insanity.

Plucking a Dead Turkey icon.png Dead Turkey, or Dead Wild Turkey icon.png Dead Wild Turkey, will give you a Plucked Turkey icon.png Plucked Turkey/Plucked Wild Turkey icon.png Plucked Wild Turkey and 2x Turkey Feathers icon.png Turkey Feathers and by chance a Weighty Wattle icon.png Weighty Wattle. There is a chance one or even both of the Turkey Feathers will be instead be a Majestic Tail-Feather of Turkey icon.png Majestic Tail-Feather of Turkey.

A Plucked Turkey icon.png Plucked Turkey can be Stuffed with Roasted Pine Nut Stuffing icon.png Roasted Pine Nut Stuffing to make a Unbaked Stuffed Turkey icon.png Unbaked Stuffed Turkey. Baking it for about an hour in a Stove icon.png Stove to get a Stuffed Turkey icon.png Stuffed Turkey. Right-click your Stuffed Turkey icon.png Stuffed Turkey and choose Cut 'er Up to get:

A Plucked Wild Turkey icon.png Plucked Wild Turkey is can be Stuffed with 2x Pine Nut icon.png Pine Nuts and 6x of Any Plant icon.png Any Plant to make a Unbaked Wild Stuffed Turkey icon.png Unbaked Wild Stuffed Turkey. Baking it for about an hour in a Stove icon.png Stove to get your Stuffed Wild Turkey icon.png Stuffed Wild Turkey

When Cutting Up either a Wild or Domesticated Stuffed Turkey there is a chance to also get a Last Wish-Bone icon.png Last Wish-Bone, The Elusive Last Bone icon.png The Elusive Last Bone, Turkey Gizzard icon.png Turkey Gizzard, Turkey Heart icon.png Turkey Heart, Turkey Liver icon.png Turkey Liver or Turkey Neck icon.png Turkey Neck.

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Furniture (F) ⇒Stove (v)