Yellow Morel

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Revision as of 01:58, 10 January 2020 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Yellow Morel icon.png Yellow Morel
Where found:
Weight: unknown
Required by: Objects
Skill(s) Required:
Object(s) Required:
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Heal: 7 7 7 7
Heal Uses: 1
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Gluttony Min: 8 8 8 8
Gluttony Max: 8 8 8 8
Full and Fed Up for: 0:08
Food Groups: Mushrooms icon.pngMushrooms
Values when used in Variable Food :
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Variable Food Multiplier: 0.5 0.5 1.35 0.5


Can be found in the wild or grown by Planting another Yellow Morel icon.png Yellow Morel in a Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot.

Can be stored in a MushiSack icon.png MushiSack.

Planting Mushrooms in Gardening Pots lowers Insanity.

'Shroom Poisoning

Yellow Morel icon.png Yellow Morel is a Poisonous Mushroom so it must be Boiled in a Clay Pot icon.png Clay Pot or Copper Pot icon.png Copper Pot before consuming or using in recipes.

If a Poisonous Mushroom is consumed, or Food made from them, you will come down with 'Shroom Poisoning icon.png 'Shroom Poisoning and your max Humours will be are temporarily reduced. The more Poisonous Mushroom or the more Poisonous the Mushroom were, the stronger the debuff. 'Shroom Poisoning will slowly go away on its own but the recovery rate can be greatly sped up by consuming Berrymash Laxative icon.png Berrymash Laxative.