Ore Smelter

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Revision as of 06:37, 23 February 2013 by Hans Lemurson (talk | contribs) (→‎About)
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Ore Smelter icon.png Ore Smelter
Skill(s) required:
Size: unknown
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No?
Repaired with: unknown
Required by:
Required by:


This smelter is required to smelt the ore you mine into bars of iron.

Production of iron bars is not based on chance, instead there is a counter which, when filled to 100%, will produce a bar. Each Ore in the smelter will produce 2% of a bar on it's own, but the addition of Lime will cause EACH piece of Ore to produce an extra +1%. 25 ore in a smelter will generate 50% of a bar, but 24 ore and 1 lime will generate 72%, a substantial improvement.

Iron = Ore * (2 + Lime). (Expressed as a percentage)

Incomplete bars are carried over to the next smelting, so although a 72% batch won't give you a bar, the second time you run the smelter you will get a Bar and 44% left over.

25 pieces of ore therefore generate 50%, but 24 pieces of ore with 1 lime generate 72%. This counter carries over, so the second melt of 24 pieces of ore with 1 lime generate 144% which in turn generates one bar, and the remaining 44% is carried over again.

The smelter must be filled with 15 charcoal in order to be lit. The smelter will then burn for 40 minutes.

Ore that could not be melted into a bar of iron will be left as Dross, which can be used as building material where one would normally need to use Stone.

Fill ratio's:
Ore Lime added to counter
1 24 26%
2 23 50%
3 22 72%
4 21 92%
5 20 110%
6 19 126%
7 18 140%
8 17 152%
9 16 162%
10 15 170%
11 14 176%
12 13 180%
13 12 182%
14 11 182%
15 10 180%
16 9 176%
17 8 170%
18 7 162%
19 6 152%
20 5 140%
21 4 126%
22 3 110%
23 2 92%
24 1 72%
25 0 50%
Fill ways:
Ore Smelter Filled.png Ore Smelter Filled2.png
⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓ ⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓
Ore Smelter Done.png Ore Smelter Done2.png

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Buildings & Structures (B) ⇒Ore Smelter (O)