Flavor Text
Sometimes you catch the snowball. Sometimes the snowball catches you.
Snowballs are found rolling about the Snow biome. Click on the Snowball or its icon on the minimap in order to chase after it. Additionally a Snowball can be crafted by selecting Packed Snow and right-clicking it onto another Packed Snow. A Snowball will melt quickly in your Inventory, although it will last longer during a Coldsnap than a Everbloom. Right-clicking a Snowball and selecting "Eat Snow", will consume your Snowball and add 3 to your Quaffed & Quenched debuff and reduce your Body Temperature.
Throwing a Snowball
You can throw a Snowball at another pilgrim by equipping a Snowball to your left hand slot, click the Shoot Attack and then click the cursor in the direction you wish to throw. Getting hit by a Snowball will displace your current Mask to your Inventory and replace it with a Snow Mask. Throwing a Snowball at another pilgrim is NOT a Crime.