Red Maple Cutting

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Red Maple Cutting icon.png Red Maple Cutting
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.60


With the Forestry Skill learned, and Any Axe icon.png Any Axe equipped, right-clicking a Red Maple Tree icon.png Red Maple Tree and selecting "Strike Cutting" will give you a Red Maple Cutting icon.png Red Maple Cutting. Each Red Maple Tree can produce only 2x Red Maple Cuttings. A Red Maple Cutting can be Planted in a Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot to grow a Red Maple Tree. When Planted Cutting icon.png Cuttings will sometimes fail and instead become a single Branch icon.png Branch, the higher your Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna Proficiency at the time of taking a Red Maple Cutting, the less likely this is to happen. Planting in Gardening Pots lowers Insanity.