Crafting Pumpkin Pie at a Baking Table will make an Unbaked Pumpkin Pie which can then be baked in a Bread Oven to produce a Pumpkin Pie. Preparing Foods on a Baking Table removes a small amount of Insanity and has a chance of giving you an Eloped Gingerbread Man. When baking Foods in a Bread Oven there is a chance for them to become Animal Crackers instead. Right-clicking a Pumpkin Pie with the Baking Skill learned and selecting "Slice" will divide your Pie into 8x Slice of Pies. When Slicing Pie there is small chance to receive a Little Jack Horner's Thumbnail.
WARNING! Finding a Little Jack Horner's Thumbnail in your Pie adds a great deal of Insanity.