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Kiln icon.png Kiln
Switch to Providence
Skill(s) required:
Size: 2x2
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: Yes
Liftable?: No?
Repaired with: Clay
Required by:
Required by:


A Kiln icon.png Kiln is a High Soak Ignitable Structure used to fire items. It has a 5x5 inventory and requires x100 units of fuel to fill.

Fuel Units

Fuel Item Fuel Units Time
Branch icon.png Branch x2 5 Minutes
Rotten Log icon.png Rotten Log x2 5 Minutes
Woodblock icon.png Woodblock x4 10 Minutes
Fresh Board icon.png Fresh Board x10 25 Minutes

Production Times

Unfired Item Fired Item Rare Items Fuel Units Required Time
Clay icon.png Clay Brick icon.png Brick x4 10 Minutes
Misshapen Lump of Clay icon.png Misshapen Lump of Clay Brick icon.png Brick x4 10 Minutes
Unburnt Clay Pot icon.png Unburnt Clay Pot Clay Pot icon.png Clay Pot x8 20 Minutes
Unburnt Gardener's Pot icon.png Unburnt Gardener's Pot Gardener's Pot icon.png Gardener's Pot x8 20 Minutes
Unburnt Large Urn icon.png Unburnt Large Urn Large Urn icon.png Large Urn x8 20 Minutes
Unfired Remains icon.png Unfired Remains Remains of Old icon.png Remains of Old x24 1 Hour
Unfired Jar of Tar icon.png Unfired Jar of Tar Jar of Tar icon.png Jar of Tar x120 5 Hours
Golden Egg icon.png Golden Egg Gold Brick of Biddas icon.png Gold Brick of Biddas x192 8 Hours
Unburnt Crucible icon.png Unburnt Crucible Crucible icon.png Crucible ???


Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Buildings & Structures (B) ⇒Kiln (K)