Any Fruit

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Any Fruit icon.png Any Fruit
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: θ
Required by: Objects


With the Fruit Orchards Skill learned Any Fruit icon.png Any Fruit can be planted in a Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot. Planting in Gardening Pots lowers Insanity. Any Fruit, if not used within a few days of being Picked, will become Rotten Fruit icon.png Rotten Fruit.

Planted with Output A Output B Output C Output D Output E
Apple icon.png Apple Apple Tree icon.png Apple Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Cherry icon.png Cherry Cherry Tree icon.png Cherry Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Mulberry icon.png Mulberry Mulberry Tree icon.png Mulberry Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Peach icon.png Peach Peach Tree icon.png Peach Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Pear icon.png Pear Pear Tree icon.png Pear Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Persimmon icon.png Persimmon Persimmon Tree icon.png Persimmon Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Plum icon.png Plum Plum Tree icon.png Plum Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Snozberry icon.png Snozberry Snozberry Tree icon.png Snozberry Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower

How to Plant in a Gardening Pot

  1. Select 1x Humus icon.png Humus and left-click it onto your Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot.
  2. If not, Select a Vessel with at least .20L of filled with Potable Water icon.png Potable Water and left-click it onto your Gardening Pot. A Gardening Pot can hold up to 1L of Potable Water. Each planting will reduce the filled amount by .20L.
  3. Select the Potable item you wish to plant and left-click it onto your Gardening Pot. Planting in Gardening Pots lowers Insanity.
  4. Wait 3 days. Learning the Horticulture and Green Thumb Skills will reduce the time for plants to ripen.
  5. Once ripe, the plant's model will change. The base Yield for non-bushes and Trees is two. When planting you will receive a bonus Yield up to a max of 8 which is determined by chance and your Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts Proficiency. You will see your bonus Yield pop up in green as you add your Potable plant. At any point you may check the current Yield by right-clicking on your planted Gardening Pot.
  6. Ripe plants can now be picked by right-clicking the Gardening Pot and selecting "Pick". Bushes and Trees which have sprouted can be planted by Lift icon.png Lifting the Gardening Pot and then right-clicking the ground and selecting "Plant".