Decorative Lace

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Decorative Lace icon.png Decorative Lace
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.08
Required by: Objects
Alternative Acquisition:
Object(s) Required:
Difficulty: 40 to 0
Proficiency Type:
When Slotted:
1 Artifact Slot


Decorative Lace icon.png Decorative Lace can be purchased from Fifi La Våtslidan in Providence for 125x Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces or be received by chance when Rummaging through an Abandoned Bird's Nest icon.png Abandoned Bird's Nest. Decorative Lace, when slotted, adds an additional Artifact Slot.

Adding Slots to Clothing

There are a few Artifacts which can add more Slots to Any Clothing icon.png Any Clothing. While these Artifacts are added the same way as other Artifact, when they are successfully slotted they will consume 1 Slot and add 2 more.

Additional Slot Artifacts