Bottomfeeder Bajgiel

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Bottomfeeder Bajgiel icon.png Bottomfeeder Bajgiel
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.10
Required by: Objects
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Heal: 22 25 78 31
Heal Uses: 1
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Gluttony Min: 40 40 40 40
Gluttony Max: 110 110 110 110
Full and Fed Up for: 1:05
Food Groups: Crustacea and Shellfish icon.pngCrustacea and Shellfish
Variable Shellfish Gluttony Values:
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Crawdad Min: 54 20 20 20
Crawdad Max: 148.5 55 55 55
Crab Min: 20 50 20 20
Crab Max: 55 137.5 55 55
Lobster Min: 20 20 68 20
Lobster Max: 55 55 187 55
Oyster Min: 20 20 20 50
Oyster Max: 55 55 55 137.5


Bottomfeeder Bajgiel icon.png Bottomfeeder Bajgiel does NOT need to be cooked.

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Food (F) ⇒Shellfish (S) ⇒Bottomfeeder Bajgiel (B)