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Inspiration is the pool of points you use to learn new Skills and increase your Proficiencies. A new pilgrim arrives in the New World with 207,000 Inspiration which renews at a rate of only 0.71 points per second. You can increase the size of your Inspiration pool by raising your Black Bile. Being Knocked Out will cause you to lose half the points in your Inspiration pool.

Education Skills

Education Skills increase your passive rate of Inspiration regeneration each second. This rate stacks so learning all three Skills will increase your Inspiration regeneration rate by .7 per second.

Skill Rate Increase
Literacy icon.png Literacy 0.1 per second
A Formal Education icon.png A Formal Education 0.2 per second
Aristotelian Logic icon.png Aristotelian Logic 0.4 per second

Refresher Potions

Right-clicking a Refresher Potion and selecting "Gulp" will consume one of its uses and instantly restores a certain amount Inspiration points. This amount is determined by the potion and the drinker's Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy. Each Gulp adds 10 to your Quaffed & Quenched icon.png Quaffed & Quenched debuff.

Potion Uses Inspiration per Gulp
Butterbug Refresher icon.png Butterbug Refresher 3 2,000
Fishguts & Rot Refresher icon.png Fishguts & Rot Refresher 3 20,000
Rubbery Mescaline Refresher icon.png Rubbery Mescaline Refresher 3 50,000
Snake Oil icon.png Snake Oil 3 1
Sweet'n'Thorny Refresher icon.png Sweet'n'Thorny Refresher 3 250,000
Tenderfoot Refresher icon.png Tenderfoot Refresher 10 10,000


Inspiration you can gain while offline is capped, however, this cap can be increased by choosing to Sleep in a Bed while offline. Right-clicking an empty Bed and selecting "Sleep" will cause you to Sleep in that Bed, instantly logging you off rather than waiting through the 20 second logout channel. Sleeping a full 8 hours with a Teddybear icon.png Teddybear equipped to the left hand slot will instead reduce your Madness by 1x level. Destroy icon.png Destroying an occupied Bed will not harm or summon the Sleeping pilgrim. You cannot Sleep in a Bed while under the affects of a Concussion icon.png Concussion.

Bed Cap Increased To
Leafy Bed icon.png Leafy Bed 100,000
Simple Bed icon.png Simple Bed 250,000
Grand Bed icon.png Grand Bed 500,000

Sleep Bonus

Wearing Pajamas increases the speed at which you regenerate Inspiration while Sleeping in a Bed. The total Sleep Bonus equipped is roughly equal to Inspiration restored per second, therefore wearing .40 Sleep Bonus means you are generating approximately .40 Inspiration per a second more than if you were not wearing any Pajamas.

Head Bonus Legs Bonus Torso Sleep Bonus
Jute Cap icon.png Jute Cap 0.2 Reed Pajama Pants icon.png Reed Pajama Pants 0.2 Reed Pajama Shirt icon.png Reed Pajama Shirt 0.2
Plaid Slumbercap icon.png Plaid Slumbercap 0.4 Feline Pajama Pants icon.png Feline Pajama Pants 0.4 Feline Pajama Shirt icon.png Feline Pajama Shirt 0.4
Twinkle Topper icon.png Twinkle Topper 0.6 Quack Pajama Pants icon.png Quack Pajama Pants 0.6 Quack Pajama Shirt icon.png Quack Pajama Shirt 0.6
Wool Nappy icon.png Wool Nappy 0.05

The Den

Having at least 200 from Affluence Bonus Artifacts equipped, allows you to enter The Den. Inside there are three Hookah icon.png Hookahs and The Den Master. Right-clicking on a Hookah and selecting "Puff" will cause you to take a pull of smoke off the Hookah until you click away. You can only successfully Puff from a Hookah once per 20 hours. Puffing successfully on a Hookah will decrease your Madness by one point and cause you to gain Inspiration relative to how long you were Puffing. However, Puff too long and you will become briefly Stunned icon.png Stunned and will not gain any of the Hookah's benefits. However if this is the case you may try again as only successful Puffs will start a 20 hour cool down.