Leafy Bed

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Leafy Bed icon.png Leafy Bed
Skill(s) required:
Size: 1x2
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: Only if unoccupied
Repaired with: Oak Duff
Required by:
Required by: None
Leafy Bed
Leafy Bed


A Leafy Bed icon.png Leafy Bed can be built outside.


Inspiration you can gain while offline is capped, however, this cap can be increased by choosing to Sleep in a Bed while offline. Right-clicking an empty Bed and selecting "Sleep" will cause you to Sleep in that Bed, instantly logging you off rather than waiting through the 20 second logout channel. Sleeping a full 8 hours with a Teddybear icon.png Teddybear equipped to the left hand slot will instead reduce your Madness by 1x level. Destroy icon.png Destroying an occupied Bed will not harm or summon the Sleeping pilgrim. You cannot Sleep in a Bed while under the affects of a Concussion icon.png Concussion.

Bed Cap Increased To
Leafy Bed icon.png Leafy Bed 100,000
Simple Bed icon.png Simple Bed 250,000
Grand Bed icon.png Grand Bed 500,000

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Furniture (F) ⇒Table & Chairs (T) ⇒Leafy Bed (L)