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Revision as of 09:25, 16 September 2019 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Log icon.png Log
Skill(s) required:
Size: 1x4
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: Yes
Repaired with: Can't be Repaired
Required by:
Required by:


With Any Axe icon.png Any Axe equipped all Trees can be Chopped down to produce a Log icon.png Log. Trees shatter to Woodblocks when DIRECTLY falling onto things. If you stand directly under a falling Tree you will take Blood Damage. When Chopping down a Tree there is a chance to receive an Abandoned Bird's Nest icon.png Abandoned Bird's Nest and/or a Cross-Shaped Wood Splinter icon.png Cross-Shaped Wood Splinter. When a Tree is Chopped down it leaves a Stump behind. You can Destroy the stump and to get some additional Woodblock icon.png Woodblocks. Right-clicking a Log and selecting Chop with Any Axe equipped will give 60x Woodblocks, or when placed in a Sawbuck icon.png Sawbuck, 30x Fresh Board icon.png Fresh Boards. These numbers be higher depending on your Hammer & Nail icon.png Hammer & Nail Proficiency. An immature Tree will produce a smaller Log containing fewer Woodblocks or Fresh Boards; or no Log at all, if the Tree is very young.

It costs 0.1-0.2 Phlegm for each Woodblock cut from a Log. Each time a Woodblock is Chopped there is a chance to get a Knotted Wood Block icon.png Knotted Wood Block instead.

Unlike most Structures a Log won't obstruct Movement.