Steam Distiller

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Steam Distiller icon.png Steam Distiller
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.50
Required by: Objects


A Steam Distiller icon.png Steam Distiller must be crafted in a lit Crucible icon.png Crucible. When using a Crucible there is a chance to receive a Prince Rupert's Drop icon.png Prince Rupert's Drop in addition to the item you are crafting.

How to Dehydrate

  1. With the Steam Distillation Skill learned, open your Alchemy Table icon.png Alchemy Table.
  2. Place up to 5x Steam Distiller icon.png Steam Distillers inside your Alchemy Table.
  3. Open each Steam Distiller.
  4. Inside each Steam Distiller place a Glass Vial icon.png Glass Vial and your Dehydrate-able item.
  5. After the specified amount of time, your Glass Vial will be filled with .01 liters of the appropriate liquid and your item replaced with a Dehydrated version.

NOTE: While your liquid will remain, Dehydrated items will eventually disappear if not removed from the Steam Distiller.

Item Time Liquid By-Product
Blackberries icon.png Blackberries 1 hour Berry Juice icon.png Berry Juice Dehydrated Blackberry icon.png Dehydrated Blackberry
Cranberry icon.png Cranberry 1 hour Berry Juice icon.png Berry Juice Dehydrated Cranberry icon.png Dehydrated Cranberry
Crowberry Stalk icon.png Crowberry Stalk 1 hour Berry Juice icon.png Berry Juice Dehydrated Crowberry icon.png Dehydrated Crowberry
Huckleberries icon.png Huckleberries 1 hour Berry Juice icon.png Berry Juice Dehydrated Huckleberry icon.png Dehydrated Huckleberry
Red Rose icon.png Red Rose 4 hours Otto of Rose icon.png Otto of Rose Dehydrated Rose icon.png Dehydrated Rose

Game Menu
Craft () ⇒Alchemical Equipment ({{{key1}}}) ⇒Steam Distiller ()