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Corn icon.png Corn
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0
Required by: Objects


Corn icon.png Corn is the product of a mature Maize Planting Harvest, with the type of Corn you receive being related to your Till Field icon.png Tilled Field's total Influence. While received from a Corn Harvest, Curious Indian Corn icon.png Curious Indian Corn does NOT count as Corn.

Tier Corn Total Influence
1 Yellow Corn icon.png Yellow Corn 0 to 100.
2 White Corn icon.png White Corn
  • 75 to 150 more Red than Blue.
  • 150+ more Blue then Red.
2 Blue Corn icon.png Blue Corn
  • 75 to 150 more Blue then Red.
  • 150+ more Red than Blue.
3 Golden Corn icon.png Golden Corn 150+


Corn icon.png Corn can be milled using the Mill Flour icon.png Mill Flour recipe on a Grindstone icon.png Grindstone, Copper Grinder icon.png Copper Grinder, or Windmill icon.png Windmill to produce 2.00 kilograms of the corresponding Cornmeal icon.png Cornmeal for each 25x Corn used. All Cornmeals can be stored in a Dry Goods Bag or a Dry Goods Container.

Cornmeal Source
Yellow Cornmeal icon.png Yellow Cornmeal Yellow Corn icon.png Yellow Corn
Blue Cornmeal icon.png Blue Cornmeal Blue Corn icon.png Blue Corn
White Cornmeal icon.png White Cornmeal White Corn icon.png White Corn
Golden Cornmeal icon.png Golden Cornmeal Golden Corn icon.png Golden Corn
Cornmeal icon.png Cornmeal Any combination of Corn icon.png Corn

Corn Oil

Corn icon.png Corn can be Pressed inside a Press icon.png Press to produce 1 liter of the corresponding Corn Oil icon.png Corn Oil for each 20x Corn used. Corn Oil can be stored in a Vessel or Wet Goods Container. Corn Oil counts Vegetable Oil icon.png Vegetable Oil in recipes.

Oil Source
Yellow-corn Oil icon.png Yellow-corn Oil Yellow Corn icon.png Yellow Corn
White-corn Oil icon.png White-corn Oil White Corn icon.png White Corn
Blue-corn Oil icon.png Blue-corn Oil Blue Corn icon.png Blue Corn
Golden-corn Oil icon.png Golden-corn Oil Golden Corn icon.png Golden Corn
Corn Oil icon.png Corn Oil Any combination of Corn icon.png Corn