NewHaven:Turkey Hen

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Turkey Hen icon.png Turkey Hen
Switch to Providence
Skill(s) required:
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Weight: 3.00
Required by: Objects
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Raising Turkeys

Turkey Gobbler icon.png Turkey Gobblers and Turkey Hen icon.png Turkey Hens can be caught in the wild or raised from a Turkey Poult icon.png Turkey Poult while Fertile Turkey Hen icon.png Fertile Turkey Hens are only found in the wild. In the wild all Turkey icon.png Turkeys look the same - you won't see which type it is until you pick up a Knocked Out Turkey. To raise Domesticated Turkeys at least one Turkey Gobbler must be present in your Turkey Coop icon.png Turkey Coop for your Turkey Hens to lay Turkey Egg icon.png Turkey Eggs. Eggs appear in the space beneath the Hens. If that spot is occupied, the Hen will not lay an Egg. Turkey Droppings icon.png Turkey Droppings appear in the bottom left spot and work their way across before moving up the next row, which means that Hens on the the very bottom row will often be unable to lay Eggs because the Turkey Droppings will block the space beneath them. An untouched Turkey Egg will hatch into a Turkey Poult after about 48 hours. NOTE: Moving a Turkey Egg may never hatch.

Poultry How Obtained Produces
Argopelter Poult icon.png Argopelter Poult Argopelter Egg icon.png Argopelter Egg Juvenile Argopelter icon.png Juvenile Argopelter
Fertile Turkey Hen icon.png Fertile Turkey Hen Turkey icon.png Turkey Fertile Turkey Droppings icon.png Fertile Turkey Droppings, Golden Goose icon.png Golden Goose, Turkey Egg icon.png Turkey Egg
Golden Goose icon.png Golden Goose Fertile Turkey Hen icon.png Fertile Turkey Hen Golden Egg icon.png Golden Egg
Turkey Gobbler icon.png Turkey Gobbler Turkey icon.png Turkey or Turkey Poult icon.png Turkey Poult Turkey Droppings icon.png Turkey Droppings
Turkey Hen icon.png Turkey Hen Turkey icon.png Turkey or Turkey Poult icon.png Turkey Poult Turkey Droppings icon.png Turkey Droppings, Turkey Egg icon.png Turkey Egg
Turkey Poult icon.png Turkey Poult Turkey Egg icon.png Turkey Egg Turkey Gobbler icon.png Turkey Gobbler, Turkey Hen icon.png Turkey Hen

Right-clicking a Turkey Hen icon.png Turkey Hen and selecting "Wring Neck", or simply letting one starve, will give you a Dead Turkey icon.png Dead Turkey, or Dead Wild Turkey icon.png Dead Wild Turkey depending on the Turkey's origins. CAUTION: Wringing the Neck of a Turkey adds a small amount of Insanity. Turkey's will die if left in any Container so it may be advisable to let your Turkeys die naturally in a container rather than Wring their Necks and gaining Insanity.