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Darkenbear icon.png Darkenbear
Where found:
Skill required: Monster Hunting
Blood (health): 2500
Liftable or Inventory?: Liftable
NOTE: Items and quantities depend upon skills known.
Item(s) gained:
Rare item(s):


A Darkenbear icon.png Darkenbear is an aggressive Creature which can be found in any biome in The Darkness icon.png Darkness, but is most commonly found in the Autumnal icon.png Autumnal and Coniferous icon.png Coniferous biomes. Seeing a Darkenbear adds a tiny bit of Insanity.

Combat Behavior

Attack Blood Damage Effects
Claw icon.png Claw 515 Bleed icon.png Bleed
Stomp icon.png Stomp 33 Fracture icon.png Fracture Reel icon.png Reel Stunned icon.png Stunned
Roar icon.png Roar 0 Gravity Pull, Fear icon.png Fear

Darkenbears are aggressive and very fast; they will attack any pilgrim who wanders too close. Darkenbears are probably the most dangerous Creature in the New World and due to this, information about this Creature is scarce. Darkenbears will occasionally Roar icon.png Roar which causes a Gravity Pull effect which will drag nearby pilgrims to the Darkenbear's feet and Fear icon.png Fearing them, additionally Shoot icon.png Shooting a Darkenbear within its Roar range will also drag to you it. A Darkenbear's primary attack is Claw icon.png Claw which will give you a Bleed icon.png Bleed if it hits. If you survived it's Claw Attack it my try to Stomp icon.png Stomp you, which deal AOE damage, leaving anything nearby Stunned icon.png Stunned. Stomp has a chance to Fracture icon.png Fracture you bones and will also add Reel icon.png Reel meaning subsequent attacks from the Darkenbear will deal more damage. Darkenbears are immune to both Venom Dart icon.png Venom Dart and Potent Venom Dart icon.png Potent Venom Darts and cannot be Stunned icon.png Stunned.


With the Monster Hunting Skill learned, Skinning a Darkenbear will yield 1x Raw Darkenbear Hide icon.png Raw Darkenbear Hide.

NOTE: It is important to Skin the carcass first, otherwise the Butchering will ruin the Hide.

With all relevant Butchering Skills learned, Butchering a Darkenbear will always yield:

There is a chance to get various rare items from Butchering. This chance is much higher with the Viscera & Bits Skill learned.