Fibre Netting

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Fibre Netting icon.png Fibre Netting
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.50
Required by: Objects

Shellfish Trap Purity

A Shellfish Trap icon.png Shellfish Trap takes its Purity from the Fibre Netting icon.png Fibre Netting used in its construction. Fibre Netting can be made from any Fibre icon.png Fibre, but the only Purity Fibres available are Clean Cotton icon.png Cotton and Milkweed Jute icon.png Milkweed Jute which affected by Farming Purity and Gardening Purity respectively. A Shellfish Trap's Purity transfers directly onto Any Shellfish icon.png Any Shellfish caught in it.

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Processing & Materials (P) ⇒Fibre Netting (F)