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Boobytraps icon.png Boobytraps
"Gives cautious settlers the ability to build traps"
Skill(s) required:
Proficiencies required:
1250 Cloak & Dagger icon.png Cloak & Dagger
2750 Hammer & Nail icon.png Hammer & Nail
1750 Law & Lore icon.png Law & Lore
Skills Unlocked:
Crafts Unlocked:
Builds Unlocked:
Others Unlocked:

In-Game Text

"Welcome death, quoth the rat, when the trap fell"

– Thomas Fuller, 1608 - 1661

Booby Traps gives the truly cautious settler the ability to leave traps for the stick-fingered menaces who would pilfer their property!

Trapped Containers

Trapped Containers are Containers which externally look the same as a normal Chest icon.png Chest but when opened springs a trap on the opener. NOTE: Trapped Containers do NOT spring their trap if they are Destroy icon.png Destroyed. Opening a Trapped Chest adds a small amount of Insanity.

WARNING! Booby Traps will trigger on anyone who opens the Trapped Chest, so remember where you placed your traps!
Chest Trap Needs aSpring icon.png Spring?
Flutterbomb Chest icon.png Flutterbomb Chest Releases tons of Any Butterfly icon.png Any Butterflys. No
Grenade Chest icon.png Grenade Chest Deals Blood Damage to opener. YES
Plague Chest icon.png Plague Chest Infects the opener with Disease icon.png Disease. YES
Snake Chest icon.png Snake Chest Releases a Quetzalcoatl icon.png Quetzalcoatl. YES
Web Chest icon.png Web Chest Opener is trapped in a web for 3 minutes. No

Furniture Manufacturing Skills

Skill Benefit
Coffer Making icon.png Coffer Making Make Chest icon.png Chests.
Boobytraps icon.png Boobytraps Make Trapped Chest icon.png Chests.
Rustic Furniture icon.png Rustic Furniture Build simple furniture.
Sophisticated Furniture icon.png Sophisticated Furniture Unlocks new furniture recipes.
Cabinet Maker icon.png Cabinet Maker Build advanced furniture.