Milkweed Jute

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Revision as of 21:02, 3 August 2020 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Milkweed Jute icon.png Milkweed Jute
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: unknown
Required by: Objects

How to Make Milkweed Jute

  1. Place your Milkweed Roots icon.png Milkweed Roots in a lit Fireplace icon.png Fireplace or Meatsmoker icon.png Meatsmoker.
  2. Wait a few minutes, and your Milkweed Roots will become Charred Milkweed Fibre icon.png Charred Milkweed Fibre.
  3. Select your Charred Milkweed Fibre and right-clicking into on The Shallows icon.png The Shallows, or by selecting a Vessel filled with at least 1 liter of Potable Water icon.png Potable Water and righting-clicking it on the Charred Milkweed Fibre. When washing Charred Milkweed Fibre, there is a chance of producing a Precious Soot-Flake icon.png Precious Soot-Flake.

Milkweed Jute is one of the only Fibre icon.png Fibres with Purity. Milkweed Jute's Purity is determined by Gardening Purity and influences the Purity of Fibre Netting icon.png Fibre Netting made from it.

Gardening Purity

Three factors influence Gardening Purity. The Purity of the Humus icon.png Humus, the Purity of the Plant, and the Purity of the Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot. The Harvested Plant will be the average Purity of these three factors weighted towards the Humus. The formula is: Resulting Plant = ((Humus*2)+Pot+Initial Plant)/4. Any time the Resulting Plant's Purity is higher than the Gardening Pot's, the Gardening Pot's Purity will permanently increase by up to 2.56%. You may check your Gardening Pot's Purity by right-clicking it.