Cotton Planting

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Revision as of 10:02, 26 July 2012 by ©TriMoon™ (talk | contribs) (→‎About: move-over info from Raw Cotton)
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Cotton Planting
Cotton Planting icon.png
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Cotton Planting allows your character to plant and harvest Cotton which is used in the production of Cotton Cloth

In-Game Text

Whilst legends have cirulated for a long time in Europ conceming "the Vegetable Lamb of Tartary", it is only with the discovery of the New World variants of this remarkable plant that its uses and the methods for its cultivation have been brought to more extensive application in the fields of agriculture. Cotton Planting allows you to plant, harvest and process cotton.


Stages of a Cotton Field:
Cotton Planting Stage1.png First Stage (sprouts)
Cotton Planting Stage2.png Second Stage
Cotton Planting Stage3.png Third Stage
Cotton Planting Stage4.png Fourth Stage (Flowering)
Cotton Planting Stage5.png Fifth Stage (Ready for Harvest)