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Revision as of 20:24, 6 September 2021 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Horse icon.png Horse
Where found:
Skill required: unknown
Blood (health): Can't be attacked
Liftable or Inventory?: No
Item(s) gained:
You cannot butcher this creature.


Horse icon.png Horses are Mount Creatures which could formerly be rented in Providence for 225x Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces.


Mounts are Creatures which can be ridden to significantly increase your Movement speed. To ride a Mount, right-click it and select "Ride 'em Cowboy!!". To dismount, ctrl-click the ground. Mounts cannot be attacked, killed, or Butchered, nor can you attack or use Lift icon.png Lift from a Mount. Damage taken while mounted will dismount the rider. Actions such as Forage icon.png Forage and Wander icon.png Wander will not drain your Humours while mounted. Mounts will despawn if left unattended or if the server resets. NOTE: If you are disconnected while riding a Mount, you may have to wait 10 - 15 minutes for it to deswpawn before you can log back in without losing your Inventory.