Shellfish Trap

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Revision as of 08:17, 27 January 2020 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Shellfish Trap icon.png Shellfish Trap
Skill(s) required:
Size: unknown
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: Yes
Repaired with: Fibre
Required by:
Required by:
Shellfish Trap
Shellfish Trap


A fish trap baited with organic material allows you to harvest the oceans bounty.


A Shellfish Trap icon.png Shellfish Trap, when baited with Organic Material, and placed in The Deep icon.png The Deep will periodically catch Shellfish. Right-clicking a Shellfish Trap, even when submerged, will allows you to empty a Shellfish Trap of Shellfish, or add more Organic Material as bait.

Shellfish Trap Purity

A Shellfish Trap icon.png Shellfish Trap takes its Purity from the Fibre Netting icon.png Fibre Netting used in its construction. Fibre Netting can be made from any Fibre icon.png Fibre, but the only Purity Fibres available are Clean Cotton icon.png Cotton and Milkweed Jute icon.png Milkweed Jute which affected by Farming Purity and Gardening Purity respectively. A Shellfish Trap's Purity transfers directly onto Any Shellfish icon.png Any Shellfish caught in it.


Freshwater Only Salt Water Only Both
Crawdad icon.png Crawdad Ill-Tempered Lobster icon.png Ill-Tempered Lobster Crab icon.png Crab
Mermaid's Purse icon.png Mermaid's Purse
Oyster icon.png Oyster

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Tools & Utilities (T) ⇒Shellfish Trap (F)