Turkey Coop

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Revision as of 11:21, 25 December 2012 by Bechorath (talk | contribs)
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Turkey Coop icon.png Turkey Coop
Skill(s) required:
Size: unknown
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No?
Repaired with: unknown
Required by:
Required by:


How is inside Turkey Coop.
Some Turkey Hen's and Gobbler, plus a Turkey Dropping.

Works much like Compost Bin, however to produce Turkey Eggs and Turkey Droppings you must have some Turkey Hen and Turkey Gobbler inside the coop along with empty space and some food.

Opening the Turkey Coop with right click, you can drag the Turkey into the Turkey Coop interface.

Dragging a variety of items over the Turkey Coop and right clicking on it will give then to the Turkeys as food supply (identical to the compost).

Items that can be placed in the Turkey Coop

NOTE: If the food supply bar reaches 0, your turkeys WILL DIE quickly.

Need Confirmation:

  • Need confirm if only need one Turkey Gobbler for 14 Turkey Hens, place liked in the way of screen-shoot of Turkey Coop Inside.
  • Need confirm if the way the Turkey's are placed affect the production.
  • Need confirm how long Turkey take to die when food supply bar reach 0.

Food Supply

The Turkey Coop has a 200 point food capacity. The table below shows what items can be added to the bin and how many fill points they provide.

To add food to the turkey coop, left click it in your inventory and then right click on the coop.

Note - The table is currently incomplete and is missing many items and their point values.

Ingredient % Filled Fill Points
Raw Rabbit Steak icon.png Raw Rabbit Steak x1 2 4
Raw Rabbit Steak icon.png Raw Rabbit Steak x1 2 4
Dead Warbite Cricket icon.png Dead Warbite Cricket x1 1 2
Common Earthworm icon.png Common Earthworm x1 1 2
Raw Rabbit Cut icon.png Raw Rabbit Cut x1 1 2
Raw Venison Cut icon.png Raw Venison Cut x1 1 2
Crispy Cricket icon.png Crispy Cricket x1 0.75 1.5
Waxing Toadstool icon.png Waxing Toadstool x1 0.5 1
Witch's Hat icon.png Witch's Hat x1 0.5 1
Autumn Grass icon.png Autumn Grass x1 0.5 1
Oakworth icon.png Oakworth x1 0.5 1
Honeysuckle Kudzu icon.png Honeysuckle Kudzu x1 0.5 1
Wild Garlic icon.png Wild Garlic x1 0.5 1
Lilypad Bulb icon.png Lilypad Bulb x1 0.5 1
Pumpkin Flesh icon.png Pumpkin Flesh x1 0.5 1
Stray Chestnut icon.png Stray Chestnut x1 0.5 1
Blackberries icon.png Blackberries x1 0.5 1
Meat Shreds icon.png Meat Shreds x1 0.5 1
Roasted Rabbit Cut icon.png Roasted Rabbit Cut x1 0.25 0.5
Roasted Venison Cut icon.png Roasted Venison Cut x1 0.25 0.5
Roasted Rabbit Steak icon.png Roasted Rabbit Steak x1 0.25 0.5
Roasted Venison Steak icon.png Roasted Venison Steak x1 0.25 0.5
Charred Something icon.png Charred Something x1 0.25 0.5
Wood Choppings icon.png Wood Choppings x1 0.25 0.5
Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Buildings & Structures (B) ⇒Turkey Coop (U)