Starburst-Cut Rhodolite

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Starburst-Cut Rhodolite icon.png Starburst-Cut Rhodolite
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.05
Required by: Objects
Difficulty: 30 to 0
Proficiency Type:
When Slotted:
13 Affluence
5 Common Combat Defence
15 Mining
File:Starburst-Cut Rhodolite Paving.png
Can be used for an unique style of Paving


A Starburst-Cut Rhodolite icon.png Starburst-Cut Rhodolite is received when successfully cutting a Rhodolite icon.png Rhodolite on a Gemcutter's Wheel icon.png Gemcutter's Wheel using the Starburst Cut icon.png Starburst Cut. A Starburst-Cut Rhodolite has a variable Affluence Bonus and Labour Bonuses which is determined by its Carats. A Starburst-Cut Rhodolite is a Top 10 Artifact for Mining and, depending on its Carats, may be a Top 10 Artifact for Affluence as well. A Starburst-Cut Rhodolite can be stored in a Gem Box icon.png Gem Box and has a unique Pavement style.