Silver Pieces are the main currency in the New World. Vendor Stalls in Providence sell goods and services in Silver Pieces, and will also pay you in Silver Pieces for items they are looking to buy. As such, Silver Pieces are widely exchanged between pilgrims through offers of buying and selling. Silver pieces are stack-able in your Inventory up to 500. This can quickly become burdensome trying to store larger amounts of Silver Pieces so pilgrims may purchase or craft Coin Purses.
A Purse is a convenient way to store Silver Pieces. To add Silver Pieces right-click them onto your Purse. Right-clicking on your Purse and selecting "Take" will allow you to type in a number for how many, up to 500, Silver Pieces you'd like to take from your Purse. You may transfer Silver Pieces from one Purse to another by selecting a Purse and right-clicking it on another. Purses can be equipped to your Purse Slot.
Providence Bank
Right-clicking on Salvatore Solomon the Bank Teller in Providence will show your current balance at the Providence Bank, and allows you to enter an amount to deposit or withdraw. CAUTION Salvatore Solomon will tax you 15% of all Silver Pieces deposited into the Providence Bank. Silver Pieces bought from the Salem Store will be automatically deposited into the Providence Bank and are NOT subject to tax.
Silver Pieces Stacks Graphics
There are various graphical representations of a stack of silver depending on how many are stacked. The following table illustrates the variations:
Number of Pieces
1-9 pieces
10-24 pieces
25-49 pieces
50-99 pieces
100 pieces
500 pieces
Minting Coins
With the Silversmithing Skill learned, a Silver Bar can be minted into 250x Silver Pieces using the Silver Coins recipe.
Silver Packs
Silver Packs are available for purchase through the Salem Store in varying amounts, although pilgrims are generally encouraged to obtain Silver Pieces through in-game means. Silver Pieces purchased through the Salem Store are sent directly to The Bank Teller in Providence.