Filet of Any Fish

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Filet of Any Fish icon.png Filet of Any Fish
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.17
Required by: Objects


When right-clicking Any Fish icon.png Any Fish and selecting "Butcher" you will receive the corresponding Filet of Any Fish icon.png Filet of Any Fish for every 0.25 kilograms of that Fish's weight.

Fish Purity

Any Fish icon.png Any Fish caught will take their Purity directly from the Bait used to catch it. A Fish Hook icon.png Fish Hook takes on the Purity of the Bar of Any Metal icon.png Bar of Any Metal used in its construction. This Purity is passed onto Any Lure which is made from it. A Common Earthworm icon.png Common Earthworm receives its Purity from Worm Purity and a Grub icon.png Grub's purity comes from Bug Purity.