Dried Argopelt

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Dried Argopelt icon.png Dried Argopelt
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 2.00
Required by: Objects


A Raw Argopelt icon.png Raw Argopelt can be dried on a Drying Frame icon.png Drying Frame to make a Dried Argopelt icon.png Dried Argopelt. A Dried Argopelt can be sold at the Providence vendor Stalls for 25x Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces or used to craft an Argopelter Trophy icon.png Argopelter Trophy which can instead be sold for 135x Silver Pieces. A Dried Argopelt can be stored in a Stockbin icon.png Stockbin. Any Dried Hide icon.png Any Dried Hide can be hung on a wall but all look the same.