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Turkey icon.png Turkey
Where found:
Skill required: Small Game Hunting
Blood (health): 10
Liftable or Inventory?: Inventory
Item(s) gained:
NOTE: Items and quantities depend upon skills known.
Item(s) on pickup:
Item(s) gained:
Rare item(s):


Two main types of Turkey icon.png Turkeys are found in the New World - Domesticated and Wild. In the wild Turkey's generally are found in groups and only attack if provoked. Instead of being killed, Turkeys are instead knocked out by a fight. Picking it up will reveal if it's a Turkey Gobbler icon.png Turkey Gobbler, Turkey Hen icon.png Turkey Hen, or rarely, a Fertile Turkey Hen icon.png Fertile Turkey Hen. Inside your inventory you may Wring it's Neck to kill it. Dropping it out of your inventory refreshing and awakens the Turkey.

CAUTION: Wringing the Neck of a Turkey adds a small amount of Insanity. Turkey's will die if left in any Container other than a Turkey Coop icon.png Turkey Coop so it may be advisable to let your Turkeys die naturally in a container rather than Wring their Necks and gain Insanity.

which adds a small amount of Insanity.


NOTE: Artifacts which add Blunt Power, Common Combat Power, Impact Power, and Piercing Power will help make certain Attack move more successful. Artifacts with Feral Defense will lower the Blood damage you take from an animal's attack.


Butchering a Domesticated Turkey will yield:

Butchering a Wild Turkey will yield:

Random chance to get various rare items from Butchering either a Wild or Domesticated Turkey. Chance of dropping, and sometimes also the potential quantity, is much higher with Viscera & Bits.

Domesticated Turkeys

How is inside Turkey Coop.
The bottom left Hen will not be able to lay any eggs, because of the droppings.

At least one Turkey Gobbler icon.png Turkey Gobbler must be present in your Turkey Coop icon.png Turkey Coop for your Turkey Hen icon.png Turkey Hens to lay Turkey Egg icon.png Turkey Eggs. A Turkey Egg icon.png Turkey Egg left untouched in a Turkey Coop for 48 hours will become either a Turkey Gobbler or a Turkey Hen. A Turkey will have the purity of the Turkey Egg it was hatched from.

CAUTION! A Turkey Egg that has been touched or moved at all will cause it to never hatch.

Turkey Gobbler and Turkey Hen can be caught in the wild or raised from a Turkey Poult icon.png Turkey Poult. In the wild they will look like any other Wild Turkey icon.png Turkey - you won't see which type of Turkey it is until you pick up a stunned Turkey. Wild-caught Turkeys will always have a Purity of 0% which will bring down the Purity of the rest of the Turkey Coop. A domesticated Turkey will have the purity of the Turkey Egg it was hatched from. Both Turkey Gobblers and Turkey Hens also produce Turkey Droppings icon.png Turkey Droppings.

Fertile Turkey Hen icon.png Fertile Turkey Hens are only found in the wild. Like Turkey Gobblers and Turkey Hens Fertile Turkey Hens look like any other Wild Turkey. When placed in a Turkey Coop with a Turkey Gobbler, it will lay Turkey Eggs faster than a Turkey Hen, and produce Fertile Turkey Droppings icon.png Fertile Turkey Droppings which are a better fertilizer than Turkey Droppings. Rarely a Fertile Turkey Hen will give birth to a Golden Goose icon.png Golden Goose. A Golden Goose will lay Golden Egg icon.png Golden Eggs instead of Turkey Eggs.

Eggs appear in the space beneath the Turkey Hen icon.png Turkey Hens. If that spot is occupied, then the Hen will not lay an Egg. Turkey Droppings icon.png Turkey Droppings appear in the bottom left spot and work their way across before moving up the next row. This is important to remember, because it means that Hens in the bottom row will often be unable to lay Eggs because the Turkey Droppings will block the space beneath them. The Purity of Turkey Egg icon.png Turkey Eggs increases randomly when it is laid. This increase is based on the total Purity of the entire Turkey Coop icon.png Turkey Coop. Each time an Egg is laid that has higher Purity than the Turkey Coop, the Purity of the entire Turkey Coop will increase as well.

Poultry How Obtained Produces
Fertile Turkey Hen icon.png Fertile Turkey Hen Turkey icon.png Turkey *Fertile Turkey Droppings icon.png Fertile Turkey Droppings *Golden Goose icon.png Golden Goose *Turkey Egg icon.png Turkey Egg
Golden Goose icon.png Golden Goose Fertile Turkey Hen icon.png Fertile Turkey Hen *Golden Egg icon.png Golden Egg
Turkey Gobbler icon.png Turkey Gobbler *Turkey icon.png Turkey or Turkey Poult icon.png Turkey Poult *Turkey Droppings icon.png Turkey Droppings
Turkey Hen icon.png Turkey Hen *Turkey icon.png Turkey or Turkey Poult icon.png Turkey Poult *Turkey Droppings icon.png Turkey Droppings *Turkey Egg icon.png Turkey Egg
Turkey Poult icon.png Turkey Poult Turkey Egg icon.png Turkey Egg *Fertile Turkey Droppings icon.png Fertile Turkey Droppings *Turkey Gobbler icon.png Turkey Gobbler *Turkey Hen icon.png Turkey Hen