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Providence icon.png

This article is Legacy content. Providence used to be the main hub of the new world before February 29th, 2024. It is now only accessible to older players.

Deer icon.png Deer
Switch to New Haven
Where found:
Skill required: Big Game Hunting
Blood (health): 50
Liftable or Inventory?: Liftable
NOTE: Items and quantities depend upon skills known.
Item(s) gained:
Rare item(s):


A Deer icon.png Deer is a non-aggressive Creature which can be found in nearly all the biomes of the New World, but are 8x times more likely to spawn on Game Trail icon.png Game Trails.

Combat Behavior

Attack Blood Damage Effects
Headbutt icon.png Headbutt 8
Bullrun icon.png Bullrun 15 Fracture icon.png Fracture

Deer are non-aggressive so unless provoked Deers will not attack. Headbutt icon.png Headbutt is a Deer's main attack, however, if it's attacker gets too far from it, a Deer will Bullrun icon.png Bullrun, rushing in very quickly. If Charge lands, there is a chance for it to Fracture icon.png Fracture bones. When fighting a Deer it is best to stay nearby rather than backing off and allowing a Deer the chance to Charge. Deer are immune to Venom Dart icon.png Venom Darts.


A Deer carcass will Decay in about 2 days. With the Hideworking Skill learned, Skinning a Deer will yield 1x Raw Deer Hide icon.png Raw Deer Hide and by chance, 1x Deer Tick icon.png Deer Tick. NOTE: It is important to Skin the carcass first, otherwise the Butchering will ruin the Hide.

With all relevant Butchering Skills learned, butchering a Deer will always yield:

With the Boneworks Skill learned, Deboning a Deer will yield:

There is a chance to get various rare items when Butchering. This chance is much higher with the Viscera & Bits Skill learned.