Brazier Forging

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Revision as of 08:18, 28 November 2012 by Xelivous (talk | contribs) (Requires 2400 sparks&embers now)
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Brazier Forging icon.png Brazier Forging
"Brazier Forging allows you to construct defensive Braziers whose illumination can defend any Homestead or Town from whatever horrors may lurk in the dark hours of the night."
Skill(s) required:
Proficiencies required:
{{{Flora & Fauna}}}"{{{Flora & Fauna}}}" is not a number. Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
2000 Hammer & Nail icon.png Hammer & Nail
{{{Herbs & Sprouts}}}"{{{Herbs & Sprouts}}}" is not a number. Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts
{{{Hunting & Hideworking}}}"{{{Hunting & Hideworking}}}" is not a number. Hunting & Hideworking icon.png Hunting & Hideworking
2500 Law & Lore icon.png Law & Lore
2400 Sparks & Embers icon.png Sparks & Embers
Skills Unlocked:
Crafts Unlocked:
Builds Unlocked:
Others Unlocked:


Brazier Forging allows you to construct defensive Braziers whose illumination can defend any Homestead or Town from whatever horrors may lurk in the dark hours of the night.