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Garlic icon.png Garlic
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: unknown
Required by: Objects
Alternative Acquisition:
Object(s) Required:
Alternative Acquisition:
Object(s) Required:
A garlic in a gardening pot.


With the Gardening skill learned, a Wild Garlic icon.png Wild Garlic can be planted in a Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot to receive either more Wild Garlic, or Garlic icon.png Garlic by chance. Additionally Sprouted Garlic Clove icon.png Sprouted Garlic Clove or another Garlic can be used to receive a Garlic with certainty. NOTE: Planting in Gardening Pots lowers Insanity.

Right-clicking a Garlic and selecting "Split" will give you 4x Clove of Garlic icon.png Clove of Garlics. When left in a Container for 1-2 days, a Clove of Garlic will become Sprouted Garlic Clove icon.png Sprouted Garlic Clove. Once a regular Garlic Clove has been sprouted it can no longer be used in Food recipes. Garlic restores the Poultry icon.png Poultry Food Group by 15% with a 80% chance when used as Any Garlic icon.png Any Garlic in a Food recipe. A Garlic can be stored in a Garlic Sack icon.png Garlic Sack.