Raw Egg Yolks

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Revision as of 04:55, 26 March 2020 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Raw Egg Yolks icon.png Raw Egg Yolks
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: unknown
Required by: Objects

Raw Egg Yolks

Cracking Any Poultry Egg icon.png Any Poultry Egg will give Raw Egg Yolks and an Egg Shell icon.png Egg Shell. An empty Vessel, or one already containing Raw Egg Yolks, must be in your inventory when Cracking Any Poultry Egg icon.png Any Poultry Egg, otherwise the Raw Egg Yolks will be lost. This will destroy the Egg.

Egg Raw Egg Yolk
Argopelter Egg icon.png Argopelter Egg 0.60L
Blue Easter Egg icon.png Blue Easter Egg 1L
Eagle Egg icon.png Eagle Egg 0.55L
Green Easter Egg icon.png Green Easter Egg .05L
Sparrow Eggs icon.png Sparrow Eggs .05L
Turkey Egg icon.png Turkey Egg .10L

Mighty Muscles

When poured into a Barkcup icon.png Barkcup, Flask icon.png Flask, or Goat Horn icon.png Goat Horn, and equipped in the left hand, the Raw Egg Yolks can be sipped to gain a Mighty Muscles icon.png Mighty Muscles buff which will temporarily increase your max Carry weight. This buff can be increased with more sips. Each sip will add 10 to the Quaffed & Quenched debuff.