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Beekeeping icon.png Beekeeping
"By learning Bee Keeping, a pilgrim will be able to build bee skeps and raise hives of their own"
Skill(s) required:
Proficiencies required:
3050 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
2200 Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts
1300 Sugar & Spice icon.png Sugar & Spice
Skills Unlocked:
Crafts Unlocked:
Builds Unlocked:
Others Unlocked:

In-Game Text

"The bee is more honored than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labors for others"

Saint John Chrysostom, 347 - 407

The power and industry of the bee is a symbol for a competent society. All the pieces, working together as though with one mind, taking the mundane nectar of flowers and turning it into something truly magical. By learning Bee Keeping, a pilgrim will be able to build Bee Skeps and raise hives of their own. Active Bee Skeps help pollinate a Fruit Tree in Everbloom.


Queen Bee icon.png Queen Bees, Drone Bee icon.png Drone Bees, Delphic Bee icon.png Delphic Bees, and Royal Jelly icon.png Royal Jelly will occasionally spawn inside a working Bee Skep. Having more than one Queen Bee, or any Delphic Bees in your Bee Skep may cause your Bee Skep to begin losing Worker Bees. Remove them when you see them. Opening a working Bee Skep will cause you to get stung. The severity of the sting is proportionate to the number of Worker Bees in the Bee Skep; generally around 10-15 Blood damage.

Caution! Checking your Bee Skep too often will annoy the Bees and potentially lead to colony collapse. It is recommended you only check your Bee Skep at most, once a day.

A Bee Skep icon.png Bee Skep can be Destroy icon.png Destroyed to receive Honeycomb icon.png Honeycomb. Once the Bee Skep has been Destroyed, right-click it and select "Extract Honey". 20x Honeycomb are received from Destroying a fully working Bee Skep. Right-clicking a Honeycomb and selecting "Drain" will give you .1 liters of Honey icon.png Honey and 1x Beeswax icon.png Beeswax. An empty Vessel, or one already containing Honey must be in your inventory when Draining a Honeycomb, otherwise the Honey will be lost. This will destroy the Honeycomb.

Bee Pollination

A working Bee Skep icon.png Bee Skep will pollinate nearby Fruit Tree icon.png Fruit Trees during an Everbloom. A Bee Skep has a shorter range than a Butterfly Conservatory icon.png Butterfly Conservatory but transfers its Purity onto the Fruit Trees.

To get your Bee Skep working you must place a Queen Bee icon.png Queen Bee and at least 8x Drone Bee icon.png Drone Bees into the Skep. Only then will your Bee Skep to begin accumulating Worker Bees. How well your Bee Skep pollinates, and how many Honeycomb icon.png Honeycomb it produces, is proportionate to its number of Worker Bees. Worker Bees accumulate up to a maximum of 60,000. It is natural for your Drone Bees and even occasionally your Queen Bee to die inside your Bee Skep, especially during a Coldsnap, but as long as you have Worker Bees the Bee Skep will continue to pollinate. Additionally, once your Bee Skep reaches 60,000 Worker Bees you may voluntarily move your Queen Bee and Drone Bees to another Bee Skep to get it working as well.

Fruit Purity

Each Everbloom icon.png Everbloom that a Fruit Tree icon.png Fruit Tree ripes with a Bee Skep icon.png Bee Skep in range, will cause your Fruit Tree to gain 10% of the difference between the Fruit Tree's Purity and the Purity of Bee Skep that pollinates it, multiplied by the percent fill of your 60,000 Worker Bees. For instance, if your Fruit Tree is at 0% Purity and your Bee Skep at 90% filled with 30k Worker Bees your Fruit Tree will gain 4.5% (90% x 50% (60k/30k). The Purity of a Bee Skep is equal to the average Purity of the Hay icon.png Hay used in it's