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Beaver icon.png Beaver
Where found:
Skill required: Big Game Hunting
Blood (health): 10
Liftable or Inventory?: Liftable
NOTE: Items and quantities depend upon skills known.
Item(s) on pickup: unknown (use 'none' if cannot be butchered)
Item(s) gained: unknown (use 'none' if no chance for pickup items)
Rare item(s): unknown (use 'none' if no chance for rare items)


A nonaggressive creature found near freshwater biomes such as lakes. They are less difficult than Deer, but more difficult than Crickets. Beaver Skinning allows you to gain Beaver Skins from them. As with most creatures, Stomp is invaluable to keep them from attacking back.

With Beaver Skinning, skinning a single beaver will yield:

With all butchering skills acquired, butchering a single beaver will yield:


  • I was able to start 1-shotting beavers with 39 Yellow Bile using Stomp (initiating combat with full bar)
... more about "Beaver"
10 +
Raw Beaver Hide;1 +, Raw Beaver Steak;1 +, Raw Beaver Cut;3 +, Meat Shreds;4 +, Brain;1 +, Stringy Sinew;1 +  and Fine Beaver Teeth;1 +