Unbaked Wild Stuffed Turkey

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Revision as of 08:32, 18 September 2019 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Unbaked Wild Stuffed Turkey icon.png Unbaked Wild Stuffed Turkey
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: unknown
Required by: Objects

Stuffed Turkey

Plucking Dead Wild Turkey icon.png Dead Wild Turkey, will give you a Plucked Wild Turkey icon.png Plucked Wild Turkey and 2x Turkey Feathers icon.png Turkey Feathers and by chance a Weighty Wattle icon.png Weighty Wattle. There is a chance one or even both of the Turkey Feathers will be instead be a Majestic Tail-Feather of Turkey icon.png Majestic Tail-Feather of Turkey.

A Plucked Wild Turkey icon.png Plucked Wild Turkey is can be Stuffed with 2x Pine Nut icon.png Pine Nuts and 6x of Any Plant icon.png Any Plant to make a Unbaked Wild Stuffed Turkey icon.png Unbaked Wild Stuffed Turkey. Bake it for about an hour in a lit Stove icon.png Stove to get your Stuffed Wild Turkey icon.png Stuffed Wild Turkey

When Cutting Up either a Wild or Domesticated Stuffed Turkey there is a chance to also get a Last Wish-Bone icon.png Last Wish-Bone, The Elusive Last Bone icon.png The Elusive Last Bone, Turkey Gizzard icon.png Turkey Gizzard, Turkey Heart icon.png Turkey Heart, Turkey Liver icon.png Turkey Liver or Turkey Neck icon.png Turkey Neck.