Steel Axe

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Revision as of 02:01, 19 August 2020 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Steel Axe icon.png Steel Axe
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: unknown
Required by: Objects


Steel Axe icon.png Steel Axe is faster than both a basic Axe icon.png Axe or Metal Axe icon.png Metal Axe. A Steel Axe can be carried in a Tool Belt, stored in a Wooden Toolbox icon.png Wooden Toolbox, or hung on a wall.


Equipping Any Axe icon.png Any Axe allows Chop Tree icon.png Trees, Log icon.png Logs, and Wood Pile icon.png Wood Piles, Split Woodblock icon.png Woodblocks, Strike Cutting icon.png Cuttings, and Chip Boulder icon.png Boulders, although it's better to use Any Pickaxe icon.png Any Pickaxe for this if one is available. The higher tier the Axe, the faster it completes these actions.

Axe Speed Notes
Flint Axe icon.png Flint Axe Slow
Metal Axe icon.png Metal Axe Moderate
Steel Axe icon.png Steel Axe Fast
Executioner's Axe icon.png Executioner's Axe Fastest
Halberd icon.png Halberd Slow Counts as a Polearm
Golden Halberd icon.png Golden Halberd Slow Counts as a Polearm
WARNING! Using an Axe with any Madness levels runs the risk of it permanently becoming an unusable Questionably Effective Axe icon.png Questionably Effective Axe.

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Tools (T) ⇒Steel Axe (M)