Cocoon Husk

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Revision as of 08:36, 7 August 2020 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Cocoon Husk icon.png Cocoon Husk
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: unknown
Required by: Objects

Raising Butterflies and Moths

While a Caterpillar icon.png Caterpillar can be fed Any Plant icon.png Any Plant its favorite food is Honeysuckle Kudzu icon.png Honeysuckle Kudzu. Selecting a Caterpillar and right-clicking it on a Honeysuckle Kudzu will allow the Caterpillar to consume it. Each time a Caterpillar eats a Honeysuckle Kudzu it's Minimum and Maximum gluttony Blood values will increase by +1 and there will be a chance the Caterpillar will turn into a Cocoon icon.png Cocoon. A Cocoon left in a Container for a few days will hatch into either Any Butterfly icon.png Any Butterfly or Any Moth icon.png Any Moth. Right-clicking a Cocoon and selecting "Set Free" gives you a Partially Deformed Caterpillar icon.png Partially Deformed Caterpillar and a Cocoon Husk icon.png Cocoon Husk. NOTE: Setting Free a Caterpillar from its Cocoon early adds a good bit of Insanity. A Cocoon Husk counts as a Fibre icon.png Fibre in recipes.