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Providence icon.png

This article is Legacy content. Providence used to be the main hub of the new world before February 29th, 2024. It is now only accessible to older players.

Deer icon.png Deer
Switch to New Haven
Where found:
Skill required: Big Game Hunting
Blood (health): 50
Liftable or Inventory?: Liftable
NOTE: Items and quantities depend upon skills known.
Item(s) gained:
Rare item(s):


Deer icon.png Deer is a non-aggressive Creatures found throughout the New World, but are 800% more likely to spawn on Game Trail icon.png Game Trails.


When attacked a Deer will attempt to head butt you for 8 base Damage or start charging with a Bullrun-like attack which does a base of 15 damage and has a chance of causing a Fracture icon.png Fracture, significantly reducing your Yellow Bile and movement until healed. Usually they only charge if there is a bit of distance between you and them, but rarely have been known to charge from as little of a distance as 2 tiles.


With the Hideworking skill, Skinning a Deer will yield:

Note: It is important to Skin a Deer before Butchering, otherwise you will ruin the Hide.

With all relevant butchering skills (Field Dressing, Butcher's Thrift , Butchery, Tanning, and Venison Cuisine), butchering a single deer will yield:

Random chance to get various rare items from butchering. Chance of dropping, and sometimes also the potential quantity, is much higher with Viscera & Bits.