Hunting Trophy

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Revision as of 08:49, 20 September 2021 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Hunting Trophy icon.png Hunting Trophy
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 3.50
Required by: Objects
Proficiencie(s) gained:
950 Arts & Crafts icon.png Arts & Crafts
1000 Cloak & Dagger icon.png Cloak & Dagger
1200 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
950 Hammer & Nail icon.png Hammer & Nail
2650 Hunting & Hideworking icon.png Hunting & Hideworking
Inspiration Required: 6750
Uses: 6
Inspiration Efficiency:
0.1407 Arts & Crafts icon.png Arts & Crafts
0.1481 Cloak & Dagger icon.png Cloak & Dagger
0.1778 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
0.1407 Hammer & Nail icon.png Hammer & Nail
0.3926 Hunting & Hideworking icon.png Hunting & Hideworking
Hunting trophy on a wall.

Flavor Text

Remembering with vivid clarity the quarry the chase and the moment when life slipped away to give life anew.


Don't be alarmed, the Hunting Trophy icon.png Hunting Trophy, when hung on the wall, looks nothing like any animal in the game or even it's own icon.